For three and a half months I felt like a balloon had swelled in my belly. Sometimes, sharp jolts would move through my colon and fold me over, my breath catching in my throat and my eyes widening in pain. It was the dead of summer in California’s Central Valley where temps often reach well over 105 degrees . . . and I couldn’t even put on a swimsuit, let alone button my jeans.
Then finally, it had a name: Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
If you’ve ever experienced a digestive disorder like IBS, then you know it knocks the breath right out of you. When I’m in a season where I’m experiencing an IBS flare (like I was for those three and a half months), it can be all I think about: the planning around meals, the invitations to lunch or dinner with friends, the sudden need to go to the bathroom, or taking triple the time to figure out what to wear because I can’t fit into anything.
Sometimes, I hear whispers in my heart telling me how much I hate my body, and it takes the breath right out of me. . .
“What do I need to do? How do I manage this?” I desperately asked my doctor after she delivered the diagnosis.
“You need to limit the amount of stress in your life,” she replied.
I was at a loss. I thought I’d done everything right — I was in therapy, I’d set the appropriate relational boundaries, I started doing Pilates and breath work, I nourished my body, removed the irritating foods, watched my caffeine intake, prayed, read my Bible, and went to church.
What else was I supposed to do?
“That means I’ll have to quit my job.” The words fell out of my mouth before I could even think about them.
Quit my job? But my job’s not stressful. And where else can I go? This is all I know.
It was a fight with denial and pride to realize the effect my job was having on my body. I’m a chronic minimizer and a lifelong church kid. I learned that we’re to “crucify our flesh” and make our bodies our slaves for the sake of our cause.
But it wasn’t true that my job wasn’t stressful. I drove home in tears, knowing in my gut that the time to leave this job was coming. After the IBS diagnosis, I heard author Annie F. Downs say on her Instagram that she’d asked God to remove everything that was “sick or secret” from her life. Surprise and a sob welled up in my throat as I listened.
Me too, God. Please, I want everything sick and secret out of my life.
I was done dealing with this sick body and tired of minimizing myself. I wanted the truth, and I wanted freedom.
Mercifully, the Lord showed me the truth very quickly. I finally realized the environment I worked in was growing increasingly hostile. In time, the stress and anxiety in my gut would move to my chest, giving me chest pains every day I went to work for weeks on end. I found myself disassociating from my body just to get through the day, staring at my computer like a deer in headlights and unable to follow along in a conversation.
But did I leave? No.
I’ll leave as soon as I find another job, I promised myself and God.
One month went by. Then two. Then three. Still, no job. And still, I was sick. Then, one day, in the middle of all of this, I read Psalm 147:10-11, and it came alive before me:
“He is not impressed by the strength of a horse; he does not value the power of a warrior. The Lord values those who fear him, those who put their hope in his faithful love.”
Psalm 147:10-11 (CSB)
I sensed the Lord asking me, “Do you fear Me more than you fear leaving your job?”
The question was so gentle, so kind. This gracious rebuke didn’t leave me feeling shamed or condemned, but resolved and confident in my God who was offering me His faithful love.
“No,” I confessed. “I’ve feared everything else before I’ve feared You.”
It was a simple exchange of exposure, confession, and repentance. I didn’t even cry. But I sure felt fortified by it.
It wasn’t up to me to provide for myself or to fix what was going on at work. I didn’t have to muscle my way to find a job I would feel safe in, where I could heal and come alive again. There would be no ribbon or trophy for impressing God. Maybe I’d impress my parents, but not my God.
Two days after this exchange with God, I resigned. No job lined up. At the time of this writing, I still don’t have a job. But in fearing this outrageously good and faithful God, I have found that, even if everything else fails, I still have Him.
I know relief in my body like I’ve never known — and I have a peace and hope that can only be found in God . . . the One who longs to show me His faithful love.
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No job, but you sure do the works God prepared for you by sharing this writing and pointing me to trust God, to fully fear and trust him!
He is faithful and perfect!
Please pray for my daughter who is dealing with a debilitating disease that is eating away at her muscles and causing tachycardia. She has 2 young boys who need their mother and the doctors have no answers. We have been dealing with this unknown disease for over 4months. Although I will never give up hope, I do feel extremely sad, heavy and overwhelmed. Please pray that the Lord restore her health and watch over and protect this young family. Thank you
Dear Carol. I will be joining the many women who are lifting up your daughter and her family. We are also praying for you that our Heavenly Father would uphold your spirit, strengthen you and show Himself mighty in these difficult times. Hugs and prayers.
Carol, I’m so sorry your family is going through this. I will pray right now:
Lord, I ask that your Holy Spirit would carry and cover this family. In your mercy, please bring healing to Carol’s daughter, renewed strength and vigor to Carol, and comfort to these little boys. You know all and see all, O Lord. May your will be done and your kingdom come. Amen.
Abba Father you are Jehovah Rapha-the God who heals. Please send your healing touch to Carol’s daughter. Guide the doctors to find an answer for her disease. She has two young boys who need their mom. Give the family peace & a hope that transcends all understanding. Help them to fully trust you in this situation. AMEN
Blessings 🙂
I remember what it was like, the realization that my job was making me sick, and probably killing me. Stress. Anxiety. Depression. I cried in the car on the way there and on the way home. I was dead inside. It was only a matter of time before the outside matched the inside.
I tried desperately for a year to find another job. An escape. Interview after interview. Only to be met with rejection. God saw that I was at the end and mercifully removed me from that toxic dump.
I remember sitting in my car and feeling a weight lift from my shoulders. I laughed and said, “God, I sure hope you have a plan.” He did. Less than two weeks later I was offered a job at a great agency.
Here’s the best part. I had applied for the job THREE TIMES! I almost didn’t apply the third time but felt a nudge to try one more time. It had been a week since I parted ways with my old job. I hit submit on the application and they called me the very next day.
God had it planned out all along. He even included time for me to rest and recover before starting my new job.
Hang in there!
Sometimes you have to put a foot in the water before the sea parts! Isn’t that how our wonderful God works!
Amen! That’s a good word.
Thank you for sharing your story, Angela! It encourages me to soak in this time the Lord has given me to recover and keep waiting with patience for the plan he has for me.
Thank you for this message this morning. I am trying to retire! I need the stress of the job gone. I need time for my great grandchildren. I offered to go part time. It is coming up March first and I am cutting 10 hours from work. Working only 4 days a week! Happy me. And yes, I gave it to the Lord and work up one morning with the plan! Have a blessed day.
He is so kind to us! Best to you, Kat.
I have had a job that was making me sick. Actually, I’ve had 2 jobs that took a toll on my health. The first was after graduating college. My doctor at the time put me on medication and asked me point blank- “do I really need this job?” I will admit God was not in my life at those times having left the church long before the first job. So I get it. But the second time I had such a stressful job, it wasn’t until I was much older, and I started losing my hair that I made the change. It took vanity for me to make the move. But I am happy to say God is a part of my life now as is a wonderful faith community. I still get all anxious and stressed but I am so thankful I now I understand I can turn to God and can find peace. My prayers are with you.
Thank you for sharing your story with me and for your prayers! He is so kind and patient!
I can so relate to having stress at work. I’m recently retired and am grateful every morning!
So glad you get to live in REST! It’s the best.
Thank you! This meant alot to me.
I’m so grateful to hear! Thank you for reading, Tabitha.
I am on tables for seizures. I don’t drive. I can go weeks or out of blue take seizure out no were. I get no warring with mine. I on tablets for mine. So I just thank God above that I not in Hospital or got cancer as there are alot of people alot worse of than me. I have excellent Husband who cares for me. My Husband is saved. So we both God the Lord. We are ok. We stand on the promises in his word. If don’t get my healing this side of earth. I get it one day in Glory when I get home to be with him. I say Amen to that. As lot of people worse of than me. I thankful for everyday God wakes me up to enjoy another day in his beautiful world. Amen to that.
Your hope and faith are beautiful, Dawn. Thank you for sharing and thank you for reading.
Thank you sharing Katelynn. Blessings for continued relief in body. Freedom from your plans. Hope in the way for right employment. Praying you continue to find shelter in the Lord.
Thank you so much, Janet. It’s definitely been a brutal season and I covet your prayers! Thank you for reading!
Dear Katelyn, I hope you find the perfect life’s work in God’s perfect timing. Be well soon!
Thank you so much Irene! I hope so too. He is more faithful than I even realize! Thank you for reading!
Katelynn, what a wonderful ending your problem! …“Walk in obedience to all I command you, that it may go well with you.“ Jeremiah 7:23 NIV [Partial obedience is disobedience]
Amen, Peggie! That’s a good word. Thank you for your encouragement and thank you for reading!
I to hard a job that stress me out everyday. It was always so hard for me to get up and get dress for work because all that was in my mind was is this job gives me anxiety, stresses me out to the point that it was affecting my entire being. I remember when I got hired I was not taking blood pressure pills. I am a believer so I always anointed myself before and prayed before entering the job, I put oil on my desk before I start my day, I rarely ate lunch except salads because I was so depressed from being in the building I just wanted to walk away so bad but I needed my job because my husband is a pastor so the finances was much needed to keep bills paid. I met with so many different spirits that seem to want to attack me but only because of God’s grace and my belief in God I survived. One day as I was sitting at my desk the Lord spoke into my spirit and told me seven the number of completing and I said Lord what are you saying and as I was preparing to go to lunch I heard a sermon in my car talking about when God set’s you free you’re free. I felt like that word was for me so as I went back to my office from lunch the secretary said to me leave everything you’re doing the boss wants to talk to you so I left to go into my boss office and with that I was told that they were laying off people from the job and I was one of them. I did not even become sad even if I needed my job because I felt that at that moment that was God when He spoke to me about the #7 it means completion so at that moment that was the confirmation from the Holy Spirit. When I looked at the time I got hired to the time they let me go it was seven years. I say that to say that God had a purpose for keeping me there for seven years to build my faith and to be a light spiritually for others even in the midst of the test and trials I face on the job.
Thank You Lord for teaching me through others who speak the truth of Your Word. I have witnessed myself through years of working in “tight” emotional situations. I could feel it almost as soon as I came into Human Resources. I enjoy being in peaceful environments. Whenever I hear people say things like, “we expect you to hit the ground running.” My heart starts to race. Why does this happen when I listen to the wrong descriptions of labor from the wrong people? It’s from the frustration of feeling fear even when you have done your best to achieve goals prescribed for you.
When I was in grammar school, my experience was that my Grandmother and Mother smiled and gave me affirmations for making 100 on a test or A+ on my assignments. I took it the wrong way. I thought I had to keep this up or I would not keep them happy. Sometimes it was pretty easy but other times it was very difficult. I didn’t enjoy my Chemistry or Physics classes. I didn’t understand all of the measurements, chemicals, postulates and theorems. And I had my English Essay to do and I had a lot of Algebra II problems to do for homework and to study for my exams. This was too much to comprehend. But God helped me through it all !
I was so relieved to graduate from high school because I could get away from teachers and students who had my career and life planned out for me. Then my counselor advised me to attend USM in Hattiesburg, MS instead of working for one year with IRS, Bob Douthitt, Audit Division. My supervisor was Ms. Carol Flanagan. I could tell that she was a colorful person. She smoked cigarettes also. Her skin was tanned and she seemed very elegant. She told me that I should work for IRS because Mr. Douthitt liked me. I was so excited to hear that they were offering me a job before I even went to college. I wanted to accept the job but I went to college instead. I wonder why I didn’t ask if they would hire me when I finished my 2 year program for Secretarial Studies? Young people are not quite ready to make decisions at age 21. That frontal lobe is not fully developed yet.
Why did I think I had to make a decision right away? Why did I feel like I had to get married at 21. Oh, I remember, I wanted to have children. My Grandmother said, girls need to be married before they leave home, I heard her with my ears and my heart. But my emotions were not healthy enough to become a wife.
What a journey for me with no counseling or learning anything about males. Having a boyfriend is so different from having a husband. I could not cook and I had to learn about dusting and washing dishes and cleaning the restroom and it was too much for me. Wow !
Now I am 65 years wise. I have three lovely daughters and I love them too much to demand anything from them.
What a life lesson I have been taught just by living and walking in my own shoes and following the shadows of others.
Enjoy your day.
I have problems too with my gut. My Dr. told me to take Metamucil and it really works. I was afraid to go anywhere in case I needed the bathroom. But I love your story
Wow, this came at just the perfect time from our Jesus who loves us perfectly.
So happy that you are experiencing relief from your debilitating pain, Katelynn. Stress is so hard on the body, mind and spirit. Life is too short to lose your health because of a job. I had 3 feet of colon removed several years ago due to scarring from Crohn’s disease. I know how horrible you can feel when your gut is inflamed. I have learned over the years that our body’s inflammation causes many of the diseases we all deal with-bowel disorders, cancer, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, heart issues…the list is very long. I learned to turn to more natural ways of healing rather than popping pills or fibers loaded with sugar and chemicals. I listened to many docuseries, summits and videos online and have read great books like Fiber Fueled by Dr Will Bulsiewicz, Brain Maker by Dr David Perlmutter, Eat For Life by Dr. Joel Furman, just to name a few. Go to YouTube and look for Dr. David Jockers, Dr. Isaac Eliaz, Dr. Peter Kan ( and so many more. It’s very exciting to see that there are a multitude of doctors now who are realizing that when we threw all the wonderful remedies that are natural out the window back in the early part of the 1900’s, it was a huge mistake and folks can do many things at home to heal their bodies before resorting to more invasive procedures. At any rate, many blessings to you Katelynn, and I’ll say a prayer that you find a job that sustains your body and soul.
I love this article !! Many people will understand and relate to Katelynn.
I relate to it . I also have learned that God is always with us and we can trust Him.
Beautiful, Katelynn! God is our provider, comforter, salvation, and perfect source of peace. ❤️
I really enjoyed your article, Kate. You’re a talented writer. Another solid reason to have left your old job: you need more time to write!
God Bless you.
Serving God together,
Carl Fab
What an inspiration you are just by baring your soul and your journey. You remind us that its all about trusting Him at every level, no matter what. Love you Kate. Beebs
What an inspiration you are just by baring your soul and your journey. You remind us that its all about trusting Him at every level, no matter what. Love you Kate. Beebs
Katelynn, thank you for sharing your vulnerability and struggles. I have left jobs that were becoming toxic and know it can be scary, especially when the next steps aren’t clear, but also bring a sense of peace. Praying you will have peace in your choice and in your next adventure. God bless.
Father God please provide Katelynn with a good job. One that you want her to have. Give her hope that you alone will provide for her.
Thank you for this vulnerable post. Many people will be helped by it. Life got tough for me when my parents dementia got bad. Finally quit my good job for a season to care for dad. Little over a year later I went back part time. God saw me through that dark valley. I know that He will see you through also.
Loved this: “Even if everything fails, I still have Him”
Blessings 🙂