I’m in my car and turning onto the interstate that takes me over the lake. I like the way the water sparkles — like a mirror, always reflecting the light of the good sun.
As the water sparkles, I think about something that younger me never realized. Right here in my car, with nothing mystical or magnificent happening, I feel God and His presence. I think of the passage of Scripture that carried me through my weary, teenage years: the steadfast love of God never stops, and His mercies are new every morning.
Long gone are my adolescent years when I’d cry myself to sleep, unsure of God’s mercy and overwhelmed with the weight of life. Desperate to believe that God’s mercy was really for me, I’d cry my heart out just before sleep so many nights, only to wake up puffy-eyed and hoping the newness that I felt from waking to a new day was God’s way of waking me to new mercies.
Looking back, I now see that God’s mercy didn’t just come to me every morning; it also carried me through every night and every minute of every day. And if I held on to Him then, I can hold on to Him this minute, never needing to hold out for the morning to wash me anew. I can recall His mercies to my mind now, right here in this car driving over the lake that sparkles with the light of the good sun.
Wherever you are today, God’s mercies are available to you. Whether you’re raging over the injustices in your life or in the world, or you’re weary from the everyday mundane. Whether you cry yourself to sleep at night or bemoan when morning comes, you can count on God’s new mercies to meet you.
His mercies are new every minute, every millisecond, stretching wide and reaching deep to cover us for any reason . . . at any time, in any place. You can step into each new day knowing God’s love meets you and carries you.
by Rachel Marie Kang, as published in 100 Days of Strength in Any Struggle
Our new book, 100 Days of Strength in Any Struggle, will take you on a journey of learning to see God clearer and to know Him deeper in the middle of your struggles. As you experience pain, move through daily challenges, or get bogged down by anxieties big or small, you’ll learn to find Him right in the middle of it, ready to strengthen you and give you rest.
In this beautiful book, you’ll find:
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- 100 life-line Scriptures to recenter your focus
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- A place to record how God is strengthening you every day!
It’s a devotional journal that will feel like sitting down with dearest friends and seeking God together in the middle of your mess or struggle.
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God’s mercies are not consumed because His compassions fail not. As his word says in Lamentations 3 verses 22-26 if we continue to read on we see they are new every morning. The verse goes on to say Great is your faithfulness. The Lord is my portion say my soul Therefore I hope in Him. So I do. It goes on the other verses to say other things to like The Lord is good to those who wait for him.To the soul who seek him. That is so true. If we do that we that are saved by spending time with the Lord each day reading his word the Bible and saying our prayers. Then it also goes on to say it is good that one should hope and wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord. I know that means to wait quietly for God to speak to us about our salvation. How we are live right for him and the way he wants us to live. If there is something in our lives that we are not doing right. Let him like a good Father nicely displine us to show us the way we are not living right. How to change it to make it right and live right again for him. I say Amen to that and for today reading as it really speaks to me. As his mercies are new each day. Plus each night. Thank you for today reading. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little in my prayers. Xx
In Courage,
Mercy is compassionate treatment of an attitude towards an offender or adversary. We have all sinned against God. He could easily have condemned us to hell. But because of His great love for us he extended mercy. He sent His only son to die our death. No matter what happens today, tonight or tomorrow – God’s love & mercy is new each day!
Blessings 🙂