As we get ready for Easter this year, a season of renewal, tap into your inner child and experience the joy in a new and unexpected way.
Remember the empty tomb and the childlike wonder of those who witnessed it — who stood at the entrance of the place where, just hours before, the turning point in history had happened: human feet on holy ground. Hearts filled with the utter delight of God’s love made visible in a way that it had never been before.
This Easter Sunday, fill your heart with His joy in a new way and let it spill out everywhere. Take a lesson from children about feeling the pureness of joy, just as Jesus did.
1. Be humble. Children ask questions. They haven’t yet convinced themselves that they’re self-sufficient beings who should know most everything. If we’ve been following Christ for a while, we’re likely very familiar with the facts about Easter morning. We feel safe knowing the answers and sometimes we let that be enough. But what if we ask God for more this year? Ask Him to nudge us out of our comfort zones into new experiences of His resurrection life? Sure, we can celebrate those cherished traditions, but let’s show up with anticipation, too—trusting Him to do a new thing.
2. Leave room for wonder. One of the surest routes to authentic praise is to sink our roots deep in the wonder of life, as our children do naturally. Genuine gratitude springs from being present in the moment, aware of even the simplest joys. This Easter season, consider revisiting (or beginning) a gratitude journal. The more blessings you discover, the more you will be filled with praise for the One who provided them. As you reflect on the empty tomb, your heart will be worshipful!
3. Share the joy. Our little ones often express their feelings without filters. They want to draw us into their experience so that we can share their excitement. But we grown-ups sometimes forget how wonderful shared joy can be. We assume others wouldn’t understand or won’t be interested in our experience. However, it is very likely there are people in our lives right now who desperately need a renewed sense of hope.
As you celebrate the resurrection this year, allow that joy to spill over. Whatever it looks like for you, share the joy you’ve found in Christ with those around you — not because you have to, but because you just can’t help yourself!
So let us come to Him this Easter as His children, with open hearts and willing hands, to love and serve in whatever way He leads us. As we envision the empty tomb and celebrate that eternal freedom we have been given, let’s not keep this joy to ourselves. Let’s be a part of bringing His Kingdom here, today — transforming this world with His healing love, one precious heart at a time.
He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”
Matthew 18:2-3 NIV
This devotion is by Paige DeRuyscher as featured in Simply Jesus: The Hope of Easter.
DaySpring has a special keepsake magazine called Simply Jesus: The Hope of Easter, and we think you’ll love it!
In this keepsake magazine, you will find a collection of powerful Scriptures, inspiring prayers, and heartfelt articles, as we hope to help you deepen your faith during this sacred season and help your family celebrate Easter together in new and exciting ways. Pick up your copy of Simply Jesus: The Hope of Easter wherever magazines are sold and at We hope to bring you inspiration in the form of personal stories and inspirational articles, the sharing of traditions, celebrating with family, observing Lent, and keeping the death and resurrection of Christ at the center of it all. With each turn of the page, may you be filled with the spark of hope and joy that Easter promises.
This article is just one of many featured in Simply Jesus: The Hope of Easter, which, by the way, is perfect for gifting to a friend, Bible study sister, Sunday School teacher, or neighbor. And to help you do just that, we’re giving away FIVE sets of magazines — one for each winner and one for her to give a friend! Leave a comment telling us to whom you’d gift a copy, and we’ll draw five winners.
Giveaway is open to US addresses only and will close on 3/11/24 at 11:59 pm central.
I love and enjoy listening to the Incourage messages each weekday morning. As well as, the bonus episodes on Saturdays. I learn so much from the messages!
I recently purchased the Easter magazine and it’s amazing! If I am chosen, I would share the magazine with my Bible study friends. We are a group of women coming together to sharpen our sword to stand gassing the enemy that comes for us everyday.
Thank you for this opportunity to win this magazine. I have wanted to see inside one and would enjoy reading it. I would give the extra one to the first friend I see after I received it.
I’d love to give my friend Brooke one! Thanks for the opportunity!
I’d love to receive your magazine!
I would share a copy with my sister-in-law who is suffering with cancer. The hope and joy of Easter as found in the magazine would be just what she needs.
Praise God! He arose, He arose!
Hallelujah Christ arose!
Sounds like a wonderful magazine! I’d gift one to my friend Jennifer whose adult son cut her out of his life unexpectedly and she is struggling with so much. We all need the hope of Easter!
love the encouragement you send – would share a copy with a friend at work who is alone and sometimes very lonely
I would like to give a copy to the four new women who have recently joined our Wednesday night small Bible study: Pat, Morgan, Mikayla and Katie. I would then share (after reading) the fifth one with our Youth Group Leader, Mrs. Shannon. Thank you!
I would share my copy with my Auht Jody. She was supposed to visit durimg Easter fir my daughterscwedding and us attend churchbtogethervandctake communion together. She became very ill and cannit make the trip. Her oresence will be mised but we know she will be with us in heart.
I would to embrace the uplifting insights and encouragement of your writers in a magazine format and share the joy of it with my dear sister, who faces daily challenges. Thanks for this opportunity!
I would surely give a copy to my sweet neighbor and friend! When the previous people moved out I prayed so hard for God to send me a new best friend. And He did! She has been amazing! We pray for each other’s families, walk together, share our burdens and joys and just enjoy our time together! They have even “adopted” my mom and grandson to cherish and help! She would love to read this new magazine as much as I would!
Because of the joy God has filled my heart with from His freedom from depression, anxiety and suicidal ideations, I would share this gift of joy with:
My sister-in-law
My Secret Pal
My friend, Grace
My niece, Naomi
My new friend, Michele
I am going through a divorce and one of my best friends is battling some very difficult demons. I think we would both benefit from this magazine to help us through these dark times and to remember the hope we have in Jesus. This devotion alone has touched my heart.
LOVE this… I teach preschool in a Christian setting. I just LOVE to share Jesus with the little ones and have them share back to ME. Their excitement, wonder and trust is so inspiring!! I would LOVE this magazine to share with them and others! thank you for the opportunity! God bless you and this ministry!
It sounds really nice. I would give it to my dear friend Denise. Thanks for this opportunity.
Thank you for this message. Easter is hope, joy, and grace. I would give my extra copy to my dear cousin.
Thank you for this message. Easter is hope,joy, and grace. I would give my extra copy to my dear cousin.
I will probably give a copy to my mom who is a pastor’s wife and could use some encouragement. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
The tomb was empty! \0/ Easter is my favorite season … I know I would enjoy this magazine and I’d love to give one to my friend Debi!
Thanks so much for the opportunity to win your magazine which I know is filled with so much joy and encouragement for this journey of life we are on. If I won I would give the extra copy to my friend Gretta who is struggling so with her daughter’s decision of the lesbian lifestyle which in turn has also caused problems between her and her husband, I hate that she must be walking this journey at this time. Thanks!
Thank you for this encouraging devotional. I would share the extra copy with a friend who, despite being a caregiver to her sick husband, is still a blessing to all that know her. After I read my copy I would pass it along to our pastor’s wife who does many behind the scenes things for our church.
I would give a copy to my sister.
I would gift one to a new believer. One to my neighbor, My daughter in love who is involved in children’s church. To a special friend that is going through some hard times right now. And to a sister in Christ who is in bible study with me.
I would love a magazine and one to give to a friend 🙂 !!!
Thank you. I and many people I know need to see and feel the joy that God wants us to have. Thank you for these words of reminder.
Thank you Paige. Thank you for the reminder….”Take a lesson from children about feeling the pureness of joy, just as Jesus did..”
Speaking of children, my grand kids would love this magazine. My granddaughter Lodis would lead the study!!!
Have a wonderful blessed day everyone \0/
I just want to say. My last Salvation Army Officer
Told me to never forget we are all Daughters of the King of Kings. That Kings is Our Lord Jesus Christ who went on to die on Calvary for us all in the world. John 3 v 16 tell us that. “For God so loved the world he sent his Only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” how true that is for us all. It goes to show us how much we are loved by our Heavenly Father. So that should make be proud to know we are his Children and be his Children. Thank you for todays excellent reading. Every day’s is excellent. All who write them. Keeping you all in prayer. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx
Good Morning-I love the podcast.
I would love a copy of Simply Jesus. I have a great friend who I call or text all the time asking her to pray for me (parents in hospice, work issues, raising my daughter) she is always their to give me a lift and share her love of Jesus.
I am LOVING listening to these podcasts when I get ready in the morning to start my day clothed in Christ!
If I were to win a copy of the magazine, I would give it to my spiritual mentor of over 15 years. 🙂
My best friend Courtney. She is having a rough season and would greatly appreciate this.
I would love to have this since I lost my husband in 2021 I need all the encourgement I can get
I always share all my reading material with my best friend who is 86 years old. We have been friends since 1976. She has been a mentor, prayer warrior and the friend you can call anytime of the day or night.
Easter is my favorite holiday! I would gift a copy to my sister.
I would give it to my sister. We both share an excitement for Easter Sunday.
I would love to get a copy of the Simply Jesus Magazine! I had surgery in September and developed complications that lead to a second surgery in October. Then in January I fell and now am facing a 3rd surgery in about 3 weeks. So I can’t afford to buy anything. I usually buy a devotional at Lent and Advent and I miss it.
Thanks for your wonderful encouraging daily devotional. They have been a lifeline through this difficult time.
In Courage,
Some people act as those church is rote. They don’t express their love & joy for Jesus. I’m in awe of God & especially Jesus. He left the splendor of Heaven to come to broken Earth-be born of a virgin & die a horrible death He then arose from the grave. He conquered death. Death & sin no longer have mastery over me. Chris Tomlin’s song “”Thank You Lord” is one of my all time favorites. I praise & thank Jesus all the time for everything. I owe Him everything!!
Blessings 🙂
Thank you for the opportunity.
Humbleness wonder and Joy are great focus points to ready our hearts for Easter ✝️