I came to coffee by way of tea.
My mother is a tea drinker, always stirring in her honey and lemon. Then there’s the part of my story where I worked in a tea store, and learned to tell customers about the various health benefits of tea — how black tea is good for heart health and how white tea is rich in antioxidants.
I learned about pu’er tea, which is good for digestion . . . and how yerba-maté is a worthy substitute for coffee. I learned that green tea should be steeped at 140°F – 185°F for three minutes, while herbal teas, like chamomile, peppermint, or African rooibos, should be steeped at 212°F for four minutes.
I love tea and forever will love tea. I’ll take it any way I can get it – loose tea, in sachets and bags. I’ll take it steeped and served in ceramic mugs, porcelain tea cups, even disposable cups.
Still, there is a part of me that’s come to really appreciate a good cup of coffee. The fascination started when I was a young adult visiting Großhansdorf, Germany. Upon waking each morning, I welcomed the day with a spread of boiled eggs, fruit, and freshly baked bread, served alongside ghee and honey and jam. This is when and where I began drinking bold black coffee.
It started slowly, beginning with breakfast . . . and then led toward taking a cup of coffee at lunch and even at dinner. After my time in Germany, I drank coffee any way and any time I could have it. Iced caramel lattes first thing in the morning. Black cups of coffee just before bedtime.
Turns out, my coffee drinking came just in time to serve me well as a college student who wore tiredness like a trophy. I’d pull all-nighters to finish my assignments and then count on coffee to carry me through my exhaustion. But, I noticed a pattern beginning to take form — instead of drinking coffee because it delighted me, I started drinking coffee simply because it excited my body.
Flash forward to this current season. I’ve found myself, once again, counting on coffee to carry me through my days. I’m in the thick of motherhood (raising two boys, ages 6 and 3), working a combination of jobs that keep me clocked in full-time, all the while managing a chronic illness that conveniently has “fatigue” listed as the number one symptom.
If I’m honest, the truth is it’s not just caffeine and coffee that I find myself turning to — it’s also the suggestive ads that tell me to try this product and that. It’s the bath salts and the ionized water. The smoothies from Whole Foods. The books and self-care creams — every little thing that promises to make me better, stronger, and healthier calls to me.
Less tired. More energized.
Less exhausted. More rested.
Less depleted. More revitalized.
I know that I am not the only one who is strained and stressed, tired, and always running out of time. I know I’m not the only one who is bone-tired — waking with bags under the eyes, swigging endless cups of coffee while daily doing the deep work of bearing the burdens that come with being and breathing in this broken world.
We are worn out. We are tapped. We are tired of and from watching the news and waiting for God to usher in salvation and solutions. We are holding our collective breath, barely awake and hardly aware of our need for rest — true rest.
In the quiet moments, when I sit in silence long enough to let the truth be loud, I can hear the holy whisper. And maybe you do, too?
I need Christ more than I need coffee.
In the morning when we rise, and in the evening when we lay our heavy bodies, burdened and all. When we’re tested, tired, and tried. When work piles up. When bills pile up. When dishes pile up. When piles pile up.
Always, we need Christ more than coffee — more than the next anti-aging cream or ergonomic pillow that promises to take away the tired.
On this side of heaven, there will always be toys to pick up and toil and tasks. Like tried travelers — in search of somewhere to put up our sandals — we will go about our days waiting, until kingdom come, for true rest to come.
Until then, may God’s eternal truth echo throughout our bodies, however bone-tired they may be.
It is Christ who takes the tired away — wipes our tears and bares our heavy burdens. He is our rest, every moment with Him a reprieve for our weary souls.
For, in His presence is peace and quiet, calm and hush; in His Word is hope and purpose and inspiration and strength.
In Him, we have everything we need to make it through the endless loop of our demanding days.
In Him, may we rest . . . and live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28).
To listen to today’s devotion, click the player below or search “(in)courage podcast” on your favorite pod streaming app!
You’ll find our daily devotions Mon-Fri and bonus interviews on the weekend!
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That was really beautiful and encouraging; thank you.
So glad this spoke to you!
This was so calming to read. I certainly agree I need more Jesus, not more caffeine.
Ah, love hearing this read had a calming effect!
I’m fighting a cold so rest is exactly what I need body & soul. It’s the dilemma of take the cold meds & awake fuzzy or sleep interrupted with coughing through the night but less foggy in the morning. Thank the Lord time in His word & with Him has only positive side effects! This cold will pass but His presence in my life never will! Blessings (((0)))
Hoping you’re feeling better and, either way, continuing to embrace much rest!
Thank you, for this
You’re so welcome!
Rachel we can be tired and exhausted look to many other things to try and take our exhaustion away. Like Coffee we can believe will help us stay awake longer not be as exhausted. We can even turn to high energy drinks or foods. Then get others to pray for us. When we feel exhausted tried and run down. But in the end nothing like that works. As at one stage years and years ago. I be truthful with you. As woman once a month I found myself with little energy round that time of the month. I took this in my head a you can laugh I don’t mind but I did. I don’t do it now. I had to have a bottle of Lucozade and a Mars Bar. I took in my head it would help me not be as exhausted each month at that time of month each women go through. My Husband said it all in your head they will not help. In the end he was right. But there was no talking to me away back then all those years ago. Then I began to see my exhaustion and tiredness was not going away. After eating the Mars Bar and drinking the Lucozade. I heard God say one day to me Dawn it all in your head this. Like a person thinking coffee will help them or something else. You should have came to me in prayer first. Not put thought your exhaustion would go away by Drinking Lucozade and eating a Mars Bar that you had each month at that time of the month women go through. So I prayed to God and said God I sorry for putting it in something else before you go try and help me with my exhaustion each month and not going to you first in prayer for the help. Then God said you can have the odd Mars Bar and drink the odd Lucozade very odd. I now wouldn’t think of them at all. But not at that time of the month. Just stick to praying to me. Getting more rest and doing less on that time of the month. Drinking more water and tea instead and eating your good food not Mars Bars or Lucozade. I done that since I feel so much better for. Listing to God doing as he said. We tend to some of us put or trust in other things thinking they will help us. Instead of going first to God in Prayer. I learnt the hard way. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx
Thank you for the love you send from N. Ireland. Grateful for all that you always share. May you and I both continue to find true rest in the only One who can soothe our tired souls!
I can so relate. As a young mother working full-time I also picked up a caffeine habit. And mine is worse than yours. It’s diet Mountain Dew. And what is even worse is now that my kids are grown I still partake.
Thank you for your message that is perfectly written. We need Christ more than caffeine! He is our best rest!
Love that — best rest! Thanks for this, Lisa. So glad to know this spoke to you!
Rachel, I love your honesty and encouragement. Your words made me think of the song, “Give Me Jesus”. He truly is what we need. ❤️
So glad this spoke to you … thank you for welcoming these words!
So beautiful. Thank you for reminding me that God is my true rest in this world and life. There are tears of relief in my eyes as I contemplate that I breathe and move and have my being in Him. Bless you for your words of comfort!
So glad this brought you comfort!
Thank you Rachel, for this beautiful (and breathtaking) message that reached in all the way to my soul, spirit, and heart.
Drinking green tea as I type this! =)
So glad to know this reached deep into your soul … and that you were drinking green tea while reading : )
I, too, am a tea lover. Often joke that I should have been born in England. Have my own tea pot to heat water. Developed a love of tea/caffeine as a youngster. Mom drank lots of tea & coffee even at dinner. People go through seasons filled with stress & struggles. Plus society tells us to go, do, & achieve more. All that does is wear you out & cause health issues. Lysa Terkeusrst said it best in her book Your Best Yes “Saying yes to everything & everyone won’t make you Wonder Woman. It will make you a worn out woman with nothing left to give.” The only way to find true rest is to stop the busyness of life & take time to be with God.
Blessings 🙂
Thank you for this note, Beth! Cheers to us finding more rest this week!