Has the Lord ever reminded you of something so simple, yet so fundamental? This is that. A few weeks ago I had the joy of sharing this reminder with an amazing group of women. I wrote an entry for (in)courage’s newest devotional, 100 Days of Strength in Any Struggle entitled “A New Song of Praise.” The Lord led me to build on what I wrote about with them. I believe He’s wanting more of His daughters to get this reminder.
The season when I wrote that devotion was hard and difficult. Honestly, the current season I’m in is not so far off. God is doing many amazing things in my life. I’m growing in many ways. He’s doing a profound work in me and through me. I’m discovering new facets of His character and ways. I’m making tons of new friends and going deeper with old ones. He is also opening doors for new ministry opportunities. It all sounds great, right? It is.
And yet, there are a few areas in my life that are a struggle. They are the areas where it’s been a consistent battle, where the enemy has been persistent in attacking me. They are the areas where I have to fight to not be discouraged by or lose hope.
That’s much of life, isn’t it? There are mountaintops and valleys, green pastures and harsh deserts.
As I was reflecting on the areas of ongoing struggle in my life, the Lord reminded me of a couple of truths. They are not new truths. But, if you are anything like me, I can so easily forget them.
Hold fast to and remind ourselves of what we know to be true. What is it that we know to be true? God is GOOD! And He can be TRUSTED! How do we know this? We know this by reading His Word and reflecting on His past faithfulness in our lives. Whenever we are in the midst of a trial, we need only to look to the Word of God to be reminded of God’s heart for us and His purpose for our lives.
One of the most impactful ways I get into the Word is to read it out loud. I declare it over myself and my situation. I love Psalm 43:5 (NIV), “Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God.” It couldn’t be any clearer. He is our hope! He is our source! He is our provision! He is everything we need and everything we didn’t know we needed. When I do this, I can feel the faith rising within me.
We are to let others carry our burdens. I don’t much like the word burden. Burdens are just that. Burdensome. They’re heavy. Whenever I am in the midst of something hard, I tend to power my way through and try to figure a way out all on my own. Growing up, that was my only choice. So, when I became a Christian, the Lord had to do a big work in me about this. He has had to tear down my independent nature and mistrusting mindset. He’s had to teach me how to depend on Him as my source and how to trust others for help and support. He’s also had to teach me humility along the way.
Often the enemy will lie to me and try to convince me that I am a burden for needing help. He tries to convince me that I should be able to fix everything by myself, that I don’t need anyone. He tells me that no one cares about me and that no one is trustworthy.
There has also been some shame and embarrassment when I’ve needed to ask for help or accept help when it was offered. God has gently reminded me of the first 10 verses of Galatians 6. My Bible titles the chapter, “Doing Good To All.” Verse 2 specifically says to “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” The burdens of this life are not just the sins we are tempted by. It can be everything from our thoughts to our behaviors, the effects of other people’s decisions to health struggles. If you were to name something that is a result of living in a fallen and broken world, that can be a burden.
The Lord knew those things would come. That is why He designed the Church, His Body, His Bride. His heart is for us to be a benefit and a blessing to each other, to be a source of strength and encouragement for one another.
Let’s be vulnerable. Let’s ask for help. Let’s ask for prayer. Let’s accept help and prayer when offered.
God expresses to Paul in his affliction in 2 Corinthians 12:9 that His grace is sufficient for us. God’s power is made perfect in our weakness. Paul exclaimed that he would boast all the more in his weaknesses so that Christ’s power would rest on him. Oh, that Christ’s power would rest on us.
His grace is indeed sufficient for any struggle that comes our way. Thank God that it is a sustaining grace. We can trust Him. And we can trust those who He places in our lives. This is how we can we can praise Him. We thank God for His truth in our lives and how He sets us in His family.
God is our faithful Father.
Jesus is our trusted Friend.
The Holy Spirit is our Comforter.
If you are in the middle of a struggle, I would love to pray for you!
Thank You Karina, this helps a lot. God bless you richly and abundantly in His Grace and Goodness
This devotion reminds me of Micah Tyler’s song “Praise the Lord.” He sings about praising God even when the devil comes trying to get you. No matter what you’re facing praise God. He will see you through it. He is your hope!
I remember when a lo-ng-lost sinner met a good, good God I remember when my heart was broken, but now it’s not
I’ve tasted and I’ve seen You’ve been so good to me From the moment that You changed my life, God You never stopped
I’m gonna sing it I’m gonna shout it I’m gonna lift my hands and praise No matter what is gonna come my way
All You’ve done for me I give You the glory From the valley to the victory I know my God is gonna fight for me
So when the devil come try to get me Gonna praise the Lord When the devil come try to get me Gonna praise the Lord
From the moment when the sun starts rising ’til the sun goes down I’m surrounded by a million mercies, I can feel them now
I’ve tasted and I’ve seen (and I’ve seen) You’ve been so good to me (good to me) Got a melody inside my heart, oh
Here’s a sweet, sweet sound
I’m gonna sing it I’m gonna shout it I’m gonna lift my hands and praise No matter what is gonna come my way
All You’ve done for me I give You the glory From the valley to the victory I know my God is gonna fight for me
So when the devil come try to get me Gonna praise the Lord When the devil come try to get me Gonna praise the Lord
In every high In every low My hope is found in Christ alone And here on earth when I get home
My hope is found in Christ alone
And I’m gonna sing it Come praise the Lord Come praise the Lord (ooh, yeah) Come praise the Lord
(Come praise the Lord) I’m gonna sing it (come praise the Lord) I’m gonna shout it (come praise the Lord)
I’m gonna lift my hands and praise No matter what is gonna come my way All You’ve done for me (come praise the Lord)
I give You the glory (come praise the Lord) From the valley to the victory I know my God is gonna fight for me
So when the devil come try to get me Gonna praise the Lord When the devil come try to get me Gonna praise the Lord
So when the devil come try to get me Gonna praise the Lord When the devil come try to get me Gonna praise the Lord
Blessings 🙂