About the Author

Ligia (Lee-hee-ya) was born in Antigua, Guatemala, and currently resides in Canada. She is a devoted wife, mother, and Leader. Ligia is passionate about serving others and sharing her story of God’s grace and redeeming power. She is approachable, authentic, and friendly, with a profound love for God and people.

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  1. Love that! I needed to hear that today. Thank you for sharing how God gets us through such tough lonely times. Sometimes it seems like the tough times will never end but knowing God is with us – getting that reminder from someone who has walked it out – is so comforting.

  2. Please pray for me as I embark on my first therapy appointment today. I resonate with a lot of this article as a mom of a 7 week old and I’m, as they say, “going through it”. Thank you for your honesty and I’m glad that God has remained faithful to you in your life!

    • Praying that your therapy is successful and you can find healing. Being a new mom is hard work. May God walk with you each hour.

  3. Many thanks for sharing this. I think so many mothers experience these feelings and have no idea what is actually going on. I’m 70 now but still remember how I felt after my first was born. Too bad we aren’t counseled on this as part of all the preparations while we await the arrival of that precious gift

    • Thank you for reading, Madeline. I am grateful to the Lord that we can talk about these challenges so openly now and that others can find the hope of Christ within our stories.

      Blessings Friend.

  4. Thank you for sharing this. It is on time. I was feeling like I was by myself and I have been hearing for several days now that I’m not alone and God is close to the broken hearted. My thoughts haven’t been right and I need the God of my salvation to help me through this season.

    • Dear Elsie,

      I leave you with this…

      “The Lord is my light and my salvation- so why should I be afraid? The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble? 2 When evil people come to devour me, when my enemies and foes attack me, they will stumble and fall. 3 Though a mighty army surrounds me, my heart will not be afraid. Even if I am attacked, I will remain confident….Yet I am confident I will see the Lord ‘s goodness while I am here in the land of the living. 14 Wait patiently for the Lord . Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord .” Psalm 27:1-4, 13-14

  5. It is not always easy to share personal information. I’m so glad God has given you the courage and wisdom to share your struggles with others. Your message was filled with hope for all, but especially for those who might be in a similar situation.
    Blessings, grace, and peace

  6. Bless you Ligia!
    Thank you for sharing your story & deep struggle.
    (Happy to see you have joined us in Canada! )

  7. I to have thoughts of suicide. I guess the only reason I can’t do it is because I want to live with Jesus forever. The brokenness in our family I’m afraid will never be healed. I’ve come to the conclusion because the consequences of my husband‘s past is too much for our family to bear for years I prayed for healing and I realize now that I just need to try and live with it as best I can

    • Praying for you Julie! God is near to the brokenhearted. I have been there. If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts plsee your doctor for help. Antidepressants have helped me so much! This will help you too. Hugs and prayers. ❤️ Terry

    • Julie, may the peace that surpasses all understanding comfort your heart and bring hope to the places where there seems to be none. Nothing is too difficult for our God. May the Lord grant you the strength and faith to stand on His promises, which are “yes” and “amen” for us all. You are not alone. Don’t give up!

  8. Ligia i’m so glad you’re in a better place than I’m praying now for all those going through similar struggles. Motherhood is hard and depression is too!

    I shared your devotion, so others can be encouraged.

    Sending you autumn joy,

    Lisa Wilt

  9. Dear Ligia…………….I just love your name and your devotion today. I read it with much emotion for what you were going through. There is so much today that we didn’t know about back in the day. I was raped and got pregnant back in 1968 and only 21 years old. I had no idea what to do and I was afraid to tell my parents what REALLY happened. My mother did not speak to me for 2 weeks as she said, I should have known better. Back in the 60’s when this kind of thing happened, the woman was always blamed for the incident; hence, the “shotgun marriage” I needed to go forward with. Neither of us wanted to do this as we were only dating and there was no love there. He wanted me to get “rid” of the baby and then go our separate ways. He was supposedly a devout Catholic and I said, I will not do that. Prayer after prayer and I did not even know exactly what to say to Jesus. Your marriage story brought back to me that usually your wedding day is one of the happiest day of your life. For me, I was depressed and it was one of the worst days of my life. What to do ? My pregnancy was difficult and I almost lost the baby 2 times, but now I was very attached to that little one I was carrying. My husband was never there for me. Fast forward 52 years, my husband has dementia and I was the one who recognized that. He was in denial and 6 years later although I had to get him evicted from our house of 40 years as he almost killed me. I was abused every night for 3+ years and the last straw came on 4/20/2023. I had done so much research on this horrible disease and stayed with him the first 3+ years trying to get him some help to slow this down. I failed with this and I couldn’t understand why God and Jesus did not help me. Depression and anxiety was prevalent in my life. By that time, they were finally recognizing the importance of treating mental problems so I was placed on anti-depression medication. Here is the most heartbreaking part of my story. I kept leaving my 52 year old son voicemails updating him on his father’s condition. He would not help me and did not even come with our 1 grandson to our home to visit and shortly after, he called me and told me I was a liar, liar, liar and there was nothing wrong with his father and he said, I no longer consider you my mother and you can never, ever see or speak to who you think is your 12 year old grandson again and he hung up. I collapsed in a ball of tears and had thoughts of doing something to myself too, and the meds were not working any more. No one should have to go through what I have been through. My husband is in one facility and I am in another even though I don’t need to be, but I had to sell our house as I could not financially on my income continue to stay in the house. I filed for divorce due to my husband making me pay most of the bills in the house while he was stashing all of his money in different accounts in his name only and I did not even know about them and this was well before he had the dementia. So now I am waiting for the divorce and the assets to be distributed. I am so happy with what your story told us. It was very sad at times, but you did give me some sage advice which I will follow and I will keep praying for a solution to this very complicated situation. Have a Blessed Day Ligia and I thank you once again for sharing your story with us……………………………….Betsy Basile

    • Betsy, thank you for sharing a part of your story with me. I believe that the Lord is sovereign, and nothing escapes Him. I encourage you to remember that and hold onto the hope that our God never leaves. No matter who or what fails us, He never will. Sending a big hug, Betsy.

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