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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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  1. Michelle,

    Thank you! During this charged time nationally we need to remember to listen to understand and love.

    Sending you autumn joy,

    Lisa Wilt

  2. Dear Michele……………..I was completely inspired by your story today. My story is similar, but in a different way. About 3 months ago I was speaking to a “friend” who lives in the South, but I had grown up with her from the time were were babies in a playpen together many years ago. Our mothers were best friends and we both lived here in the north East. Fast forward…….She married and ended up divorcing her husband and then married a wealthy man and moved to Georgia. We lost contact for awhile, but when I was housekeeping I found a letter from her that I had saved. I thought, oh, she probably moved somewhere else this letter is so old, but there was a phone number on it and I tried it and it worked. We were both so happy to have found each other again. Unfortunately, here husband had died 2 years before. They did not have children so she was living by herself. We talked frequently for 2 years, but then as you said in your story “the bombshell hit.”. We were not talking about politics, but she was very immersed in religion and changed denominations a lot. She also told me some very odd things that I wondered where she was going to church. She had stopped going to church for over a year after her husband passed and I thought that was strange as she always had some religious things that she told me which I was very puzzled. I will just give you 1 example . She told me that when Revelation came. she would be one of the only people that would survive, not me. I said,” But that may not happen for who knows how many years and we are already 77 years old. She had no answer. That is when I started to really get concerned about her religious comments. I decided to see my minister and talk to her about these things. Oh, one of the issues she had was she wanted the churches to turn to political and be divided as in Democrats and Republicans. I talked to my minister for over an hour in our church. The results were worse than I thought. She told me, not to talk to her anymore as some people when they move to places in the South end up becoming “White Nationalists” that she told me these people are very dangerous with some of their view. Now, to finally get to how this relates to your story. The next time she called, we were NOT talking about politics but somehow she garnered the thought of who I might be voting for. I did not answer her question except to say, everyone has a right to vote for who they want. She got very angry with me and said there is only 1 person who deserves to be president and you don’t seem to agree with me. I said it doesn’t matter. We both have our own opinions and I still did NOT tell her who I was leaning to. But she said you are not following what Jesus wants us to do and she hung up on me. I have not heard from her since and that is good as she had really changed her views of religion and I do not agree with those things that she kept telling me, like I was not a good Christian woman and I certainly am. I have been with my church for 70 years and now I am I hope a part of the (in)courage community that inspires me every day. Unlike the end of your story, I cannot continue this relationship with her. Thank you Michele for this story and I rarely get to share my story with anyone except my Minister. Please have a Blessed Day and one last thing. I really feel that you women are Angels sent to me by Jesus to help me stay grounded and get through more situations that I have been dealing with for 2 years. Here in PA, the fall has come, although Halloween is supposed to be 80 so we still can’t pack our summer things away. Take care………………………………………..Betsy Basile

  3. I needed this, today! God knows I have been wrestling with this issue and your words have so encouraged me! Thank you and may you be blessed today and always!

  4. This is important to hear this time of year in an election year. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Michele,

    It is important to have principles & positions. Know that you won’t always agree with everyone on everything. You must agree to disagree. I feel that my relationship with my hubby is far more important than how he votes or his stance on issues. What means more to me is His faith. The fact that he willingly prays daily for us.

    Blessings 🙂