About the Author

Simi was born in India and moved to Dallas, TX at the age of 7. Simi is a speaker, author, and full-time physical therapist. Her calling is to the local church and her passion is to equip women to know who they are and live faithfully right where they are....

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  1. Such powerful words, Simi. I never gave thought to what started that crack to the woman at the well. This message will resonate with me for sure. It makes me think about some of the people I encounter along the way. It makes me think about my behaviors and where it all started. So, thank you for a thought provoking message.

    • Yes. We often want to hide the cracks and ignore them but we often leak out on those we love the most, so when we surrender the broken places to Jesus, He makes us whole so we can live abundant lives.

  2. Simi,

    Thank you for sharing… As I near 60 I look in the mirror and I see cracks in my face and I’m so grateful for all the years God has given me… I agree with you… God uses cracks!

    Sending you autumn joy,

    Lisa Wilt♥️

  3. Simi, I can so identify and your words today truly spoke to me!
    All the small cracks, became deep crevices to me allow the way, but praise God, He reached down His hand for me and I am whole in Him now! I am who I am today that God repaired the huge crack in my windshield of life!! Bless you for this beautiful analogy!

  4. Simi, Thank you for this morning’s message of hope. As a survivor of childhood abuse, my crack (ignored for many years) almost took me down a path of ultimate destruction. Thank God I finally reached out for the help I so desperately needed. It’s been a very long journey taken one step at a time, but wholeness is achievable with the grace of God. I pray may others find their way, too.

  5. Thank you Simi for your encouraging words this morning. They all resonate with me. I will be 78 this Saturday. Last year I broke my right hip and femur and was in hospital for 2 weeks for corrective surgery and therapy. Then a month of therapy at home. I also suffer seasons of depression and anxiety (in one now). Finally, I have a debilitating back condition which has changed my whole life and greatly effected my husband’s life. But, I look to the Lord Jesus, Maker of heaven and earth! He is faithful always!! God’s blessings and healing to you all!

  6. Simi thank you for what you wrote. It is so true. We are broken people made whole by Jesus. It reminds me of the pieces of a jigsaw. Each shape is so difficult how it all fits together it in end. Like us we all fit together when saved in love for either. To be one big family with all our body shapes like a jigsaw. It takes time to build and put all our different parts together as we are all different with different shapes and sizes. We all have to learn to get to know either in our Churches etc know how to love either plus the whole world. So as the pieces of the jigsaw fix together meaning us. To make that beautiful picture for our love for Jesus. Plus when we are broken and made whole. With the beautiful wonderful people Jesus want us to. That like the jigsaw fixed together with all the pieces and it different shapes and colour so we each make that beautiful picture. That the world can see from our lives. If a piece missed or a few that we are finding hard to join together and seek Jesus to help us be beautiful picture Jesus he wants to be like the jigsaw. But it takes time it for us to get to be that beautiful picture Jesus wants us to be. One step at times. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx

  7. Thank you for sharing these beautifully written words with us. An analogy nearly everyone can relate to.