Debbie from the plane. Her name caught my attention as I was going through the contacts on my phone. Debbie! I closed my eyes. I could see her bouncy hair matching her boisterous southern drawl. Instantly, I was transported back to that June day when I’d met Debbie. It was the day my plane almost crashed.
I’d boarded a plane headed from San Diego to Denver on a cool morning. As the plane approached the landing strip, it bobbled back and forth like a ping pong ball in a hurricane. The pilot immediately pulled the plane straight up like a rocket launching into space. My hands clenched the seat divider. The pilot said something about air pockets, the storm, and how everything was going to be okay. Out the window everything was murky; the clouds were as dark and thick as molasses.
Unsuccessfully the pilot attempted one more dangerous landing before we were rerouted to Grand Junction Airport, an hour away.
Every passenger belted out a hearty cheer as our plane landed and slowed to a halt.
When I finally got off that dreaded plane, I ran toward the rental cars. I refused to take a bus all the way back to Denver. Unfortunately, everyone else had the same idea and the cars were completely gone. The rental car guy said, “I do have one twelve-passenger van.” He dangled the keys. A tantalizing idea tickled me. I looked to my right and saw a single woman and to my left was an Asian couple with a baby and another family of four. I started doing the math. Yes! We could do this. It might just work. I gathered the closest strangers in a huddle like we were planning out our next strategic play. In a wild turn of events, we almost felt giddy. Twelve strangers from around the country, meeting for the first time, overcoming a near-death experience, were now traveling together in a van with one destination in mind — Denver.
The road trip took most of the day. That’s when I met Debbie. “Debbie from the plane” sat right next to me. She was sassy, blunt, and full of quick, say-what-everyone’s-really-thinking-but-too-afraid-to-say-out-loud comebacks. This small group of strangers bonded. We shared Goldfish crackers, told stories, and used each other’s phone chargers. We passed around family photos. We all laughed so hard. My heart expanded like those magical foam mattresses you get in the mail. I grew to really enjoy these people.
On the drive Debbie told me about her faith and how disheartened she was by the church. I didn’t offer answers, but I listened. She shared about how her grandfather was a preacher and how she wants to raise kind children. I reminded her of how God never loses sight of us no matter how broken life gets. I shared my Jesus journey too.
We all have a story, don’t we? Every stranger, every human, every soul has a story. I got to hear Debbie’s. And in the most unimaginable way, with the gray sun dropping behind the storm-covered Colorado mountains, I smiled. This journey that ended up taking me a total of sixteen hours was what my soul needed. I needed to be stuck in a van with strangers to see people again. I needed to remember how fragile life really is. I needed to listen, laugh, and connect on a human level with people who were in many ways just like me. I needed this detour as a reminder of how much I loved humans. God always knows what we need. He will take us on the long route if it means He can give us the water our souls are really longing for.
Sister, stay awake to the detours God gives you as divine invitations to the greatest, deep-down, soul smiles.
I know you have desires. I know your soul is hungry. You might even be in a place where you feel like your desires have been forgotten. The path you are on might not make logical sense. Perhaps the place you are in isn’t where you thought you’d be. When you look at your current circumstances, you may feel behind or off-track from your plan. The temptation will be to look at your life like it’s a calculus problem to solve. Resist this.
Instead, be where God has led you. Stay where He has invited you to be. Let your body, mind, and heart all be in the same place. Be fully in it even when it feels muddled, uncomfortable, and incredibly confusing. Wake up even when you are tempted to fall asleep, check out, and numb everything. The sweet taste of God’s love when you are connected to the life He has entrusted to you is better than any dream you could ever imagine. Detours aren’t actually detours; they are the way we were always meant to travel.
I wonder if I’ll ever see Debbie again. I wonder what everything meant. I’m not sure I will ever know why things happened the way they did, but I do know that tucked into that tumultuous day were moments popping with joy. I do know that at the end of my life I want my phone filled with contacts that say things like, “Mike the guy from the grocery store,” and “Alice the gal who served us breakfast,” and “Debbie from the plane.” I want to know I followed the detours, the long, arduous, dying-to-dreams, talking-to-strangers kind of detours because they always lead to an awakening of God’s love story inside of mine.
You’ve felt it — the underlying anxiety that you’re missing out on the good life. So you zone out, swipe up, work hard, and spin in circles trying to get it. Anjuli Paschall calls it carpe diem syndrome — the fear of not living life to the fullest. But the full life isn’t found by chasing it. It’s found by coming awake to it. In her new book, Awake: Paying Attention to What Matters Most in a World That’s Pulling You Apart, Anjuli casts a compelling vision for you to live a soul-awake life too. The invitation might be as gentle as a song or as abrupt as a rooster’s crow, but God is always waking you up. You can have the life you really want, and you don’t have to lose your soul trying to get it. Breathe in. Breathe out. Full life is right here.
Leave a comment below telling us how this book could be the encouragement you need, and you’ll be entered to WIN a copy of Awake!
Then join Anjuli and (in)courage community manager Becky Keife for a chat all about becoming Awake! Tune in tomorrow, 4/13/22, on our Facebook page at 11am CST for their conversation.
What a joy to read this post today. Thank you for writing it. I’m kind of on a detour right now, but I have been wondering if this is God’s divine invitation to encourage someone. I think your post confirmed it. 🙂 Thank you for the reminder.
You’re welcome! Even if you don’t win (I hope you do!) I think my book will be a helpful guide on your journey!
I was grateful to engage with today’s this devotion. It is an affirmation of where I am right now. Constantly trying to stay grounded in faith among the questions of life and a meandering path. What a beautiful reminder to stay attentive on the detours and prepare for God’s divine deeds along the way.
I’m so glad you were encouraged! Yes, stay in faith.
Thank you for reminding us to stay awake to God’s plan, and to not fret when things don’t go according to our plans. This sounds like an awesome book!
Thank you! Even if you don’t win (I hope you do!), I hope you pick up a copy of “Awake!”
I need encouragement badly, for I am living the life of JOB in current reality.
My family has completely disconnected from me, and my husband and I are about to lose our home and possibly have to live in a car. Icing on cake, we both have chronic illnesses.
Much much encouragement is needed to learn to have hope in a hopeless world. And most importantly His Peace is much needed.
Prayed for you jj. ❤️
Praying for you & your husband. Asking God to richly bless you & keep you both from losing your home. I would urge you to visit a church & speak with people there. They may be willing to help you or send you in the right direction to get the assistance you need. Abba Father please give JJ & her husband wisdom & guidance for the next steps on the perilous journey they are traveling. Show them where to go to get the assistance they desperately need. Shower them with your love, grace & mercy. In Jesus Name AMEN!
I need encouragement badly, for I am living the life of JOB in current reality.
My family has completely disconnected from me, and my husband and I are about to lose our home and possibly have to live in a car. Icing on cake, we both have chronic illnesses.
Much much encouragement is needed.
Oh my goodness! This is tragic. Please visit a local church. There is always hope.
We have visited multiple churches locally and all that we are being told is that they will pray for us.
Prayer is helpful, however, we are needing action.
Awake to what God has planned for us is such a great message. We may not see the final results of seeds we plant but God promises they will grow. The real treasure is our lives after in heaven with Him eternally. Awake to no more pain or sorrow in the one who loves us completely.
Wow! This was lovely. Thank you for sharing!
Oh, you have no idea how timely this is for an unspoken circumstance that is a part of our lives! So I am trying not to figure it out but just hoping to learn what I should from what seems to be a major detour. Great devotional for my day! ( and the book sounds amazing!)
You’re welcome! Even if you don’t win (I hope you do!) I think my book will be a helpful guide on your journey!
this is beautiful!! thank you Anjuli! Love this nugget “Detours aren’t actually detours; they are the way we were always meant to travel.” We have plans of how our life is going to look, and when it goes differently we think it is a detour… but maybe it IS EXACTLY how we were to go. Letting go and trusting God in the journey, ‘detours’ and all. This book would be a GREAT reminder for me and help me to share my story and the detours God has led me through, all to Him!
Thanks, Tamera! Even if you don’t win (I hope you do!) I hope you’re able to pick up a copy of “Awake” for yourself!
These last three years have left me going through a bitter divorce, losing my youngest daughter to her narcissistic father, and feeling as if “This is not what or expected, or even wanted my life to be at this stage of the game.” I often don’t understand why things are the way they are and I am very much a “WHY” kind of person. I also know that I must continue to have my faith to keep me going in the right direction. I remind myself daily that God has this whole chaotic thing I call my life going right where my path is supposed to go! While I feel my world has fallen apart around me, I never want my students who have dyslexia to know the pain I feel inside from losing my daughter. I always want them to remember the happy, smiling teacher, whose room they love coming to, because it was and is, their safe haven. Thank you for today’s post! It reminded me that God has me right where I am supposed to be and his plan is working! Sometimes just a gentle nudge, or reading a wonderful post like today, is just the encouragement I need to continue on my journey! Thank You!
Oh friend, what a hard journey. Yet, you keep showing up and loving others. Bless you. I hope you see fruit after all this pain. Praying for reconciliation with your daughter.
Nancy S,
Praying for you right now. Asking God to give you strength to continue blessing your students while going through your own trials. Abba Father please give Nancy strength to endure this path you have her on. Guide her steps & bring about a reconciliation with her daughter. Shower her with blessings as she tries hard to bless her students. In Jesus Name AMEN.
Blessings 🙂
I really connected with this. I certainly have been feeling like lost and my desires forgotten as you wrote. And I am NOT where I thought I would be, who I would be with, doing what I thought. I have been on a major detour for the past few years and Covid certainly hasn’t helped. The last few weeks I have found myself so sad, tearing up and avoiding people. I look forward to Easter though for inspiration and hope.
Hope is coming, friend. I understand this sadness too. May God meet you in His love this weekend.
Headed into college graduation and the unknown that comes in between graduation and full time career leaves me left in between. I look at life and where I am and where I hope to be and sometimes forget the blessings the in between period has. This book would reset my perspective and be a blessing as a summer read.
Even if you don’t win (I hope you do!) I hope you’re able to pick up a copy of “Awake” for yourself! Congrats on graduation! That’s big!
All I would like to say WOW to be able to express one self !!! God’s Gift Thank You Lord.
Such a beautiful perspective shift as I sit in a waiting space at Mayo Clinic. In my support role with a suffering spouse, I often feel that “carpe diem syndrome,” fearing my children are not “making memories” in the adventure filled activities prohibited by his challenges. And today, I am not even able to hold his hand while he endures a painful procedure. Yet, all around me are stories of similar complexity. How wonderful if God will show me how my waiting day might intersect with another. I love this short post and am intrigued to read Anjuli’s book.
Anna, wow. May God meet you even there- in the Mayo clinic. Stay awake to His love in the darkest places. Even if you don’t win (I hope you do!) I hope you’re able to pick up a copy of “Awake” for yourself!
Hi! First – GREAT story of strangers in a van!! And living in Broomfield…oooh the wind here sometimes can literally be scary business (like Dec 30th). Second – i don’t think i can fully express the joy your book cover brings me. What an AWESOME picture. I love it so much! Best of luck w/ your book launch!!
Arian! Ahhh your comment made me smile big! Even if you don’t win (I hope you do!) I hope you’re able to pick up a copy of “Awake” for yourself!
Wow what a great post! And so timely. I certainly did not expect to be living my life as a widow but I can see God’s Hand in so much of my life in the friends and church family He has sent me. I hope to be leading a small group on grief this summer and believe this book could really help me in that! Thanks for this opportunity. Sharon
Sharon, I am so sorry for your loss. Praying that God continues to meet you as put your life back together. I hope you discover new and beautiful things about yourself. You are loved.
Last night as I worked late trying to meet a deadline I said I’d only work til midnight whether I was done or not. when midnight arrived I was not because for an hour while I tried to work my phone was blowing up with prayer requests. A nephew’s family was in the direct path of a powerful storm including heavy hail & tornadoes, a friend with white-coat-syndrome was facing a medical procedure today, a great nephew was in surgery for a broken elbow. I’m one of those that when you ask me for prayer, I pray immediately ~ as in I text what I’m speaking to God for your request so rather than hands on the work keyboard they were on my phone. I love that you call those detours divine interruptions. Today will be a bit hairier than it would’ve been if I’d been at the work keyboard but the time with God in prayer makes it all worthwhile! Thank you for giving me that perspective as I begin a BUSY day! Blessings!
Ruth, Have a good day filled with holy detours 🙂
Wow! Beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing ❤️
Even if you don’t win (I hope you do!) I hope you’re able to pick up a copy of “Awake” for yourself!
This has been such a beautiful reminder of how Jesus uses us to be His hands and feet of ministry to others, if we but pay attention to where He leads us; Anjuli’s book will definitely be on my TBR list!
Like the airplane in today’s devotional, the winds of life have tossed me to and fro, and I have landed an hour away from where I thought I was supposed to be. My 12-passenger van is an unexpected journey that has led me to meet complete strangers that have filled my life with joy in the midst of all the changes & challenges that I’m experiencing. “Awake” sounds like just the book I need to read through this stage of my life.
Alecia, even if you don’t win (I hope you do!) I hope you’re able to pick up a copy of “Awake” for yourself!
Loved this!
As a Mama and Wifey, I get a little overwhelmed with a lot of stuff! I need a lot of encouragement knowing that I got this and that I am be okay! Hearing from another Mom speaking inspirational words and wisdoms will help and let me know that I am not alone! We all Mamas and Womans need to lift each other up!
amen, Kim!
Omigoodness yes! More days than not lately, I ask if this is really what I want to be doing the next however many years. Elementary kids are hard. I’m just an aide but I see that these kids are NOTHING like the kids were when my kids were in school let alone when I grew up. I’m here for a reason.
I loved this story! I think this book could help me feel comfortable in my new surroundings. I recently moved to a new state and don’t know people here. The pandemic prevented me from attending church where I hoped to make friends. I would love to ‘wake up’ to God’s nudges for me right where I am!
Laura, even if you don’t win (I hope you do!) I hope you’re able to pick up a copy of “Awake” for yourself!
I really needed this. We are only on the 4th month of the year and my mom has fell and broken her hip and had surgery, transitional care and moved her in with my sister while we had to put dad in a memory care center because of her dementia, father in law was taken off life support and passed, my grandmother fell and broke her hip and passed after surgery. We buried her Friday. In the midst of all this chaos I am a wife and mom of 3 and part time student. My kids have had a lot of hard lessons in hard emotions and so have I. We have had a lot of hard talks about life. I have felt exhausted emotionally. I have seen Gods hand in this hard journey but I am just tired and weary of what comes next.
Oh Milynda, I am storming the throne of grace that God will make Himself tangible to you and your family, being the Comforter of the Downtrodden to you. Not merely telling you to hang in there it’ll be alright but making you brave to face each step and give you His presence through the prayers of others & virtual hugs. I don’t know where you are physically but God does and He can nudge the right person to bring you the meal, do your laundry, play with your kids, walk your pet, sit with you…whatever is your needed love language in these moments. I beg that that person(s) is already on the move toward you. I plead that you will be given (you will recognize & make room for) what we call Pajama days, those days you stay in your PJs nap, binge your favorite TV, read a favorite book. May you be refreshed mentally, emotionally & physically. May you and your family be honed in the likeness of Jesus and your faith roots grow deeper and fatter through this hard time. May your handling of these hard days draw others to seek Jesus for themselves as well. All to His glory. Be blessed beloved sister I’ve never met. In Jesus name,, Amen.
Oh sweet sister so sorry for all you’ve been through. Asking God to comfort you & the family. May you feel His warm loving arms surrounding you always. Asking Jesus to give you strength to endure all this & help your children understand all this. I understand moving dad into memory care center. I did that about six years ago. It can be hard, but with God’s help you WILL get through this. Praying you father gets good care & adjusts quickly to the new surroundings. That was a hard thing for my dad to deal with. Asking God to surround you with peace & comfort during this time. Abba Father give Milynda & her family strength to endure all these trials. Help them explain all this to the children. Help Milynda get through school. Help her to get the needed rest & calm for her emotionally exhausted soul. AMEN
Blessings 🙂
This book sounds perfect for me. I feel like I spend my whole life on a hamster wheel…working, lugging kids around, taking care of the house, etc. There doesn’t seem to be time to enjoy the real important moments.
Tania, “Awake” might just be what you need! Even if you don’t win (I hope you do!) I hope you’re able to pick up a copy for yourself!
Wow! There are so many statements in this piece that I just want to turn into billboards! I would love to win the book!
I feel like I have been in a little bit of a haze the last couple of years. I think I need to be more awake to what God is asking of me. Thank you for the reminder. I am definitely going to look up this book, Awake. God bless.
Thank you so much for sharing your story of Debbie. I definitely need one of those detours right now and your story changed the perspective of my own circumstances. Thank you.
Wow! This book sounds amazing! Love the story told here! I’m in a position where I finally have followed God’s calling for me to spend more time with my family, work part time and write in order to help other women rewrite futures of fulfillment. This book would help me to open my eyes to the moments placed in front of me, and understand how God is using daily moments to reveal his goodness. Thanks for writing this!
I am not where I’d like to be; God is working on me, but still: not where I’d like to be. Time to look out for a 12-passenger van, maybe…
I loved this story! What a beautiful reminder of trusting God’s in control and has His best journey for us.
After 2 years of letting go of so much, it’s been easy to try to quit feeling… that leads to dying in your soul- and sometimes your body.
Thank you for this beautiful reminder that God has invitations for us … even if they don’t look like we expect.
I love this story so much!! (And how it led to the first day I ever hugged you.) Life is in the detours.
Thank you for the continual reminder that God works in ways that we cannot even image. I am at a place where I don’t know what is doing, but what I do know it that he carries me.
Thank you for the continual reminder that God works in ways that we cannot even imagine. I am at a place where I don’t know what God is doing, but what I do know it that he carries me.
Carpe diem syndrome. That alone makes me want to read this! The tension of living between dreams and reality is confusing and something I definitely can relate to. I want to be awake enough to see the dreams *already* hidden in my reality….
Wow, great article. I need this book. It seems that lately I am continually thinking and saying that I am a day late and a dollar short. I need to be awakened to God’s detours for my life.
We recently moved to a new area away from church, community, jobs feeling that we were called to this place but all it’s done is suck the life out of us. We feel so lost, alone and discouraged that we made a bad decision out of a desperate place. It’s a toxic place and no matter how much we try to show love, grace, excellence and integrity the worse it gets. I attended Gary Thomas conference “when to walk away”this weekend which was insightful but I’m still incredibly discouraged and frustrated. I just want to know peace, joy and contentment once again! Thank you for this timely devotional!
Thank you! We all have a testimony – can not wait to share mine one day. We can all encourage and lift others up. Thru our own trials & tribulations.
I love this article! I will share it with friends, some young enough to be my daughters. Some my age. I so desire to lift them up and encourage them. Like everyone, there are struggles and detours, but being able to change your perspective makes such a difference.
Thanks for the reminder that detours aren’t actually detours but the way we were always meant to travel. What a beautiful way of reminding me to trust the Lord with the things going on in my life. Thank you!
My husband and I just filed for divorce after 12 years. Never in a million years did I expect divorce. I got married for forever but he gave up on me. I’ve been shattered in this experience but I’ve also been through other life storms so I know God will pick me back up but I need books like this is my life to keep me going!
What a beautiful story! I think I am often just following the plan for the day I roughly make in my mind, busy being a caretaker and wife to my husband, a loving mama to two senior dogs, and a simple homemaker. I can sometimes get in a mindset or rut that sees interruptions or detours as terrible events rather than as God’s blessings. I am seeing that these little changes of plan are divine intervention if I am willing to let God take control. I think Anjuli’s book will help me see how to rest and let go of my need for details and plans. Seeing Him work through the situation Anjuli described, turning a detour into a time of joyful community, is inspiring.
I can’t wait to read this book.
Thank you for your encouraging words… awareness has been an ongoing prayer of mine… to be open to what God has for me… your book and posting resonated with an openness to his opportunities!!
Thank you! Well timed word for this season.
Loved the story. Detours in our lives may actually be God’s divine interventions. I have had several detours in my life. Mom had dementia, was in hospital & rehab for 1.5 months. When she got home she was bedridden for two years. I was the closest daughter to assist dad in caring for her. That lasted two years. About 6 year later my dad moved into an assisted living. He was put on hospice. Shortly after that I had to put him in geriatric psych unit at hospital. He did well for 1 year then back to gero psych unit. That detour gave me the knowledge to land a good part-time hospital clerical position that ended up going full-time. Detours are God’s way of shaping us for His blessings
Blessings 🙂
I do feel stuck in the place I am…. praying hard for changes to come but not seeing them happen. I would love to read this book to see how I can apply it to my situation.
Yes, Awake sounds like a book I need and to pay attention to what matters most. I’ve pivoted into a new career and switched firms three times and now I feel at home. I’m working crazy hours, Ukraine keeps popping in my head, our son is struggling and may not graduate from high school. He’s also vaping and he knows how dangerous this is We just don’t know how to help him as he doesn’t want to help himself even though we are trying our best. We are praying of course and many others are as well. It’s hard not to be distracted.
This story reminds me of several events, over the years of my life, as I’ve encountered many interesting people through unscripted events, detours and sometimes heart breaking events. Currently I’m walking through a difficult cancer diagnosis. Some days are incredibly challenging, but when I place my focus outside myself, I am able to listen to those around me. Their stories are often devoid of hope or they are barely hanging on. How good is it when we, as Christ followers, listen for the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Sharing truth, shouldering a burden, a whispered prayer can change, not only your perspective, but also those around you!
Living has become more about distraction than presence. What doesn’t demand our attention and time in the year 2022 and adding on the repercussions of a pandemic? It is like weeds that want to suffocate us from the life we were meant to live. We can’t bloom or see the beauty when it’s being crowded out by what seems significant, yet is truly not. My blinders have been removed, but I’m still yearning for the practicality of what an “awake” life looks like when I feel pushed 100 miles an hour in this fast paced society we call “America”. When I see God face to face, I don’t want my life to seem like a blur and full of missed opportunities. I would thoroughly enjoy and be blessed by the words in Anjuli’s second book. Her first was awesome!
Thank you for the chance to win this book! I think this book would encourage me because for a while now I feel like I’m just going through the motions, like I’m not really present when I should be. I don’t have as much interest in things as I used to and I just feel stuck.
The book sounds amazing, but really I just wanted to comment to thank you, Anjuli, for your message. That detours are not always detours of the 40-years-in-the-wilderness type. I think that’s where my mind goes – I did something wrong if I’m not “on the path.” But Jesus IS my path. This just confirms the verse I looked up earlier today “…no good thing does He withhold from those whose walk is blameless.” Ps 84:11 Definitely know the feeling like I’ve taken some detours so this meant a lot. Thank you. And congratulations on your book!!